
What We Want : Pets In The City

We have been met with the same exact response every time we’ve told a friend that we want to potty train our cat like Robert De Niro’s character does in Meet the Parents: “That’s a movie. It’s not real.”

Well, all you doubters behold:
The City Kitty is a plastic device made of five removable rings that attaches to the toilet. You remove one ring a week, allowing for the cat to adjust to the reduced space upon which he can perch while doing his dirty business.
Just think, no litter box taking up prime space in your apartment! No need to vacuum those annoying bits of litter that get trapped in the carpet! What do you think? Are you sold or is this ridiculous?

If the City Kitty is up your alley then you’ll really love this next find!

In this rat race world it seems like owning a pet is the new “settle down and have a child.” Mother’s Morning Out is replaced with Doggy Daycare. Bassinettes are swapped out for Puppy Pouches.

So what is the pet owner’s equivalent of getting an oil painting of your child? Well, if you are a proud parent of a furry friend yourself, you might want to treat yourself to a Pet Portrait—stuffed animal style!
Sian Keegan creates one of a kind stuffed animal “portraits” of dogs and cats by hand. Here are some of his charming creations:

The City Kitty toilet training kit à Check it out here!
Sian Keegan’s Pet Portraits à Get your own pet portrait!

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